All ASLI Meetings Begin at 8:00 PM

Club Observing, open to EVERYONE.  Bring your telescope or binoculars to our public observing session or look through our telescopes which we set up for the evening.  We can show you some of the wonderful objects in the night sky during the evening.  We will only have this observing session if there are perfectly clear skies, however. 

Dec 11: Viewing the Night Skies of December – by Matt Guasco

Matt will discuss and show us on sky maps, what objects are of interest to view at this time of year, and where in the sky to find them.

Dec 18 – ASLI Winter Solstice & Holiday Party

Our party will be held in the Vanderbilt Planetarium lobby.  Bring healthy food or guilty pleasures, and something to drink.  ASLI will be supplying giant hero sandwiches for the main course.  So bring desserts and chips and holiday cheer and spend the evening having a chance for nice long conversations with everyone.  

Dec 25 – Christmas Week

There will not be a meeting this week because of the holiday.

We will have more information on January’s programs in this very spot! Stay tuned.